Since 2004, the Allen Lund Company has supported the efforts of Navidad en el Barrio. Established in 1972 by former NFL player Danny Villanueva, local Hispanic radio, and students from UCLA, the organization is dedicated to helping underserved families around the Los Angeles area by providing the makings for a Christmas dinner.
On Saturday, December 14th, the Allen Lund Company coordinated logistics for the delivery of donated food and joined volunteers to assemble and distribute grocery bags.
“20 years is a big commitment, and that’s how long the Allen Lund Company has supported Navidad en el Barrio. It started with a few trucks moving donations. Now, we coordinate almost all the donated food, plus provide the logistics to the warehouse. We even organize volunteers at several locations on Saturday, December 14th, to assemble and hand out the grocery bags to thousands of the most in-need families in Southern California thanks to the generous donations of many individuals and companies,” said Nora Trueblood, Director of Marketing and Communications at ALC.
“At Allen Lund Company, logistics is what we do best – but our favorite logistics services are those done to help others through our ‘Acts of Kindness’. For 20 years now, we have been working with great organizations, including Catholic Charities, St. Vincent De Paul, Navidad en el Barrio, many customers, and our employees who volunteer to build and distribute tens of thousands of grocery bags full of much-needed food for members of the community. As a member of the Catholic Charities board, I see firsthand how this labor of love impacts the families and strengthens all involved in this wide-ranging endeavor. We look forward to many more years of putting the ‘Happy’ in Happy Holidays,” said Kenny Lund, Executive Vice President of ALC Logistics.
We couldn’t have done it without you. A heartfelt thank you to all our donors:
Cacique | Coca-Cola | Costco | Faribault Foods | The Farmlink Project | Grimmway Farms | Minute Maid | Mission Produce Inc. | Mother’s Nutritional Center | Northgate Market | Penske | PepsiCo | Randall Foods | R.W. Zant | The Salvation Army | Taylor Farms | Wada Farms | WM Ground Beef | Wonderful Citrus
We are grateful for your support and are making a real difference together. Here’s to many more years of spreading holiday cheer!